什么是pop-up retail临时贩售

什么是pop-up retail

pop-up retail似乎是一个很新的词汇,没有看到什么公认的准确翻译,2004年在Trend Watching上有一篇以该词为标题的文章Pop-UP Retail,2011年9月该网站上发布了一篇标题为Retail Renaissance的中文版文章,文章将Pop-Up Retail翻译成临时贩售Pop-Up Stores翻译成流动商店,这篇文章主要列举一些零售新形势,说明即使传统零售业面临着严重的、或者说是由自身原因造成的种种挑战(譬如乏味的连锁店模式!电子商务!环境的影响!金融危机!人口结构!反消费主义!),但是大多数人仍然享受现实世界中的购物体验,而且这种行为将会持续下去。事实上,我们将会看到的不是RETAIL RUIN(零售的颓败),而是正在产生的RETAIL RENAISSANCE (零售复兴),其中包括Pop-Up Retail。

在维基百科上有一个专门的词条Pop-up Retail,是这样说的

   Pop-up retail, also known as pop-up store (pop-up shop in the UK) or flash retailing, is a trend of 
   opening short-term sales spaces in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.
   A pop-up retail space is a venue that is temporary — the space could be a sample sale one day and 
   host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves “popping-up” one day, then 
   disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. These shops, while small and temporary, 
   can build up interest by consumer exposure. Pop-up retail allows a company to create a unique 
   environment that engages their customers, as well as generates a feeling of relevance and 
   interactivity. They are often used by marketers for seasonal items such as Halloween costumes and 
   decorations, Christmas gifts and Christmas trees, or fireworks.
   The term is often applied to shops offering items of apparel, where the shop is intended less to 
   transact profitable sales than to promote demand for the goods and thereby produce profitable 
   business at other locations, or in modes other than walk-in stores.

Pop-up Retail案例

搜狐文章《品牌游击店联手打造时尚嘉年华》首先从零售店的房租成本分析Pop-up Retail的优点,此文将该词翻译成游击商店,该文分析认为,对于大品牌商来说还是一种营销战术,比如,



  • 优化租金成本,将房租化整为零;
  • 商铺不再守株待兔,可以主动出击;
  • 精准营销,专注目标人群密集区;
  • 高度时效性和季节性,过年过节、暑假寒假、周末、晚上……
  • 可利用网络、博客、围脖进行粉丝社区互动,具有高度的亲和力;
  • 符合时尚和潮流昙花一现的特点,能激起嘉年华狂欢式的一次性情绪兴奋和消费刺激;
  • 扩大商店的销售半径,辐射面可涉及居民小区、郊区、周边城市……
  • 改善零售业的成本结构,增加利润空间。


  • 优衣库的“游击商店”
  • 伦敦Clement时装品牌的“游击商店”
  • illy咖啡的“游击商店”
  • 东京“Kiks Tyo”的游击T恤店


How Social Commerce Works: The Social Psychology of Social Shopping(中文翻译版请访问胡太狼,你在哪儿?)展望在电子商务环境下的虚拟流动商店,并提到impulse e-purchase。谈论Pop-up Retail自然会联想到冲动购买(impulse purchase,impulse buy),我们将在另外的文章讨论冲动购买