什么是品牌化娱乐(Branded Entertainment)

根据有道词典,Branded Entertainment翻译成品牌化娱乐、品牌娱乐、娱乐营销、挂品牌的娱乐节目。单从字面翻译很难理解品牌化娱乐到底是什么以及有什么用。

维基百科这样定义Branded Entertainment

   Branded entertainment, also known as branded content or advertainment, 
   is an entertainment-based vehicle that is funded by and complementary 
   to a brand's marketing strategy. The purpose of a branded entertainment 
   program is to give a brand the opportunity to communicate its image 
   to its target audience in an original way, by creating positive links 
   between the brand and the program. These projects are often the result 
   of a content partnership between brands, producers and broadcasters.

可见是一种品牌营销的策略,将娱乐内容作为载体,将品牌形象传递给受众。“by creating positive links between the brand and the program”这句话,理解为娱乐节目可以提高品牌回忆率(recall)和识别率(recognition)。

《Branded Entertainment 是什麼?》是一篇很好的总结文章,品牌化娱乐可以用更多词汇予以表达,比如,跟品牌有关的娱乐品牌植入性娱乐品牌植入性广告品牌植入性营销。该文将品牌化娱乐当成植入性营销(Placement Marketing, Embedded Marketing)的一种形式。同时说明两者的区别:Embedded Marketing应该是Visible而非Focus。Web Advertising’s Future Format: Branded Entertainment一文可以帮助理解focus的含义:to focus on a single core reason why customers should buy your product or service。