什么是推销式销售(Missionary Selling)

根据有道词典,missionary selling可以翻译成推销式销售、传教士式销售,而前一个翻译被更广泛采纳。但是,只从中文翻译字面很难理解missionary selling到底是什么,第一个翻译其实有很大的误导作用。

Salesopedia网站对missionary selling的解释是:

   Missionary selling is the selling in which the salesperson's role is to inform an individual 
   with the power to influence others to buy a product, rather than to make a direct sale to 
   that person, a missionary salesperson is also known as a detailer.


Answers网站对missionary selling的解释是:

   A missionary type of sales job involves convincing someone who has never used a product 
   to buy it. Selling financial planning or life insurance and other financial products typifies 
   the missionary sales job. The metaphor of a missionary involves educating someone about an 
   idea or concept and convincing them to have faith in that concept.


这两个解释有些不同,但是都强调向一个人传递信息、理念,像一个传教士一样。Chron网站用例子更详细地解释了Missionary Selling

   Missionary selling is a form of personal sales in which the salesperson provides information 
   to an individual who will influence the purchase decision. This is an indirect sales technique; 
   the goal is not to close a sale, but merely to get information into the hands of a key 
   decision-maker. Jobs in missionary sales are most common in technical, pharmaceutical and 
   textbook sales.


  • 在技术领域,IBM和Xerox系统专家(Systems Specialists)是典型的传教士式销售员,技术专家和客户一起工作解决客户遇到的技术问题,在解决问题过程中,向客户传递能解决问题的相关产品的信息。
  • 在医药领域,有个专门的词汇叫pharmaceutical detailing,根据必应词典,翻译成医药详述,也就是传教士式销售,销售员不是把药卖给医生,而是通过向医生传递详细的医药信息说服医生将药开给病人。
  • 在教科书销售领域,购买者是学生,而教授决定学生买什么书。